« 10-2007 »

Just out of the nest

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It's Mine!Australian BushJust out of the nestGum Leaves, Gum TreesAriel
930 Images

Just out of the nest - Posted on 08 October 2007
This little bird was on the ground and hardly able to fly. The only lens I had was my 30mm, so I had to get down and crawl on my belly and hold my Camera at arms length in front of me (around 40com frim this little chap) to actually get this shot.
Olympus E-300
1/60 sec at 100 ISO
f 2.2 / 30 mm

2 Comments Posted | View or Add a comment

  • Very nice. I had assumed it was taken with a telephoto lens. With your comment I had good imagry of you on your belly taking the shot.
    Linda @ 08 October 2007
  • Poor little creature. I do hope after you made this lovely image the bird was saved somehow?
    Sherri @ 08 October 2007

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